Reduce anxiety by deep breathing

One of the most common tools I teach teens and adult clients is belly breathing. It is one of the most successful tools when treating anxiety and fear. This trick can calm you down quickly and can be used ANYWHERE, which is what I love about it. Belly breathing is also known as deep breathing. […]

via Belly Breathing — Dayna Sykes, LPC-S, MHSP

10 small steps to reduce worry



Anxiety is something that we all face from time to time.

Any tips which assist with moving through difficult times – some things benefit certain people more than others. Search out what works for you…

via 10 Small Steps To Stop Worrying: Self-Help For Anxiety Relief — Thought Catalog

Looking forward…

This post I wrote last year and I find myself further along the road of self discovery, with greater positivity and more focused. Onwards!!

It feels easier to be looking forward…

The targets to achieve have had to be found within myself, which has been tough!

Now that the worst of the dark days of winter are over, the weather is giving glimmers of brighter weather, moving forward is on the agenda.

I’m not alone in these feelings of finding it hard, am I?

Working for myself, has been a huge change in my way of life, and at times quite a lonely place. Never worse than in the dreary Uk winter!

No distractions of a team, but none of the pressures either, which has been liberating, but also difficult at times.

Some self reflection has been necessary to move forward.

I recognise this is part of my journey and time has given me space to look at:-

  • who I am emotionally

  • where my strengths lie

  • whom I like connecting to

  • what I find challenging

  • what I need to improve on

  • where I am in my life and what next

  • what opportunities are available to me

This will make me stronger in the long run and more able to focus on where I am heading.

I need to be able to set my targets to continue to be successful and build my practice!

I have tried to embrace these steps for happiness but not always found it easy putting them into practice.


The first one is particularly relevant, with too much analysing becoming distracting, but may be necessary at my stage of working for myself?

Some exploring has had to be done to gain self acceptance, be able to love more and appreciate more. 

This process may be tough but is beneficial for your skills and experience when working with clients, to understand their blocks and challenges.

Personally I am now more connected with how fortunate I am to have this opportunity to work for myself and build a business.

I am able to feel proud of my achievements to date.

I am engaged with what I can offer others, in order to support clients to make changes.

The outcome is I am planning future services which will help and support people to improve their well being.      So all round benefits.

This is an ongoing journey but acceptance has enabled me to move forward from where I was in my life and feel more focused.





Mental health and sense of well being

Mental health affects our physical health.



The mind body connection is powerful.

Mental health is a state of well-being in which every individual realises his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to her or his community. Mental health shows the level of psychological and emotional well-being. Our […]

via What You Should Know About Mental Health – Psychology — rekhasahay


Such a little word…

But it creeps into so many peoples lives and sets up in the background of their mind. Always ready…



Ready to set off and take hold of your thoughts, at the slightest invitation.

I know this to be true for myself, in my own thinking.

In my work as a Hypnotherapist…

anxiety is regularly present in people’s thought processes:-

– about what has happened in their life

– what concerns they have right now

– how they can change things

– where they are going…?

I use hypnotherapy to access inner resources for myself and clients…

to build on skills we already have, but have lost sight of!

Isn’t this true?

We are busy, life changes and we forget the strategies we have been regularly using or used in the past. Once you have felt anxious, at times of stress, rational thoughts can go out of the window!

We all have to work on our thinking skills and notice our negative thoughts, in order to avoid being kept in the same place.

Hypnotherapy helps you change habits by accessing inner resources, via your subconscious. It raises your awareness to the skills you already have. With practice you can establish or re establish new neural pathways, so you can function better in everyday life.

The process takes commitment from you, the client, too but the experience is pleasant and relaxing.

The outcome is to enable you to feel more in control of your thoughts.

The mind is very powerful, so harness its potential to work for you!

When you want to change something for the better:-

feel more in control of your weight

stop smoking

manage feelings of anxiety

get rid of a phobia

perform better in a situation

improve your health and sense of well-being

seek support from a Hypnotherapist.

You can learn skills to practice in everyday life.This starts you on a pathway to new habits or ways of thinking and being.

A small change over time leads to larger changes – the ripple effect.

Consider hypnotherapy to start and sustain change!

Why Losing Control Can Make You Happier – Mindful

imageWork on lessening your need to seek control over others via Why Losing Control Can Make You Happier – Mindful

This explains a lot of the power balance when trying to manage teenagers!

As a parent I continue to work on stepping back a little…

Set boundaries, but keep communication open and encourage negociation and discussion. LOL!

Fitter with hypnosis – especially weight loss.

Everyone knows what they need to do to have a healthy lifestyle!?

Finding the willpower, determination and the ongoing consistency to sustain these habits is more tricky!

We all struggle with:-

  • Eating too much at each meal or snacks

  • Finding the motivation to exercise

  • Eating healthily, but constantly craving sweets


People are turning to hypnosis…

so how does it work?

Hypnosis is not mind control like you imagine from tv shows or stage performers. It is more like a guided meditation.

Firstly you enter a relaxed state which helps you to connect with your subconscious, and suggestions can be made, which promote changes in your behaviour. Your motivation can be enhanced by repeating positive affirmations.

These steps can be made through self hypnosis but take some knowledge and practice. A  Hypnotherapists skill guides you through these steps, but essentially they have also explored with you beforehand your motivations and challenges.

This enables you to access the resources of your mind in a way unique to you!

Choosing a Hypnotherapist whom you connect with and trust is important. Recommendations are always worth exploring.

If you can begin to make changes which improve your well being this can affect many parts of your life over time…

Investing some time on “you” may seem costly now but it is not only for today, to improve your habits, but for your future.

Managing negative thoughts?

At times managing negative automatic thoughts can be difficult.

Any holiday period…with a change in routines, interacting closely with family members, or not as you would like, more time on your hands to think, plus the enhancements of alcohol or lots of rich food etc can amplify the thoughts running through your mind.

The Christmas holidays can be one of those times. Or the weeks following this when the debts need to be paid and the hangover of social events may be on your mind.



There are lots of quotes and suggestions on how to bannish these negative thoughts and focus on positive thoughts.

This can be really difficult to do!!

Working hard to stop negative thoughts and somehow not managing to keep them from from popping into your head and lodging there, as a rumination – going round and round, can add to the negative cycle.

Dr Judith Beck, a Psychologist and President of the Beck Institute for Cognitive Behaviour Therapy in USA carried out research in 2013 which demonstrated that women were more likely than men to ruminate. However some people are more prone to negative thinking than others and this can be genetic and/or as a result of childhood experiences.

As constant negativity can interfere with happiness, add to our stress levels and eventually damage our health we are increasingly aware ongoing negative thoughts are not good for us.

This can add to increasing feeling of failure, due to not managing these negative thoughts.

 By not trying to stop these negative thoughts, worry and obsession can be reduced.



The basic premise of mindfulness meditation is acknowledging your negative thoughts which can lessen their weight. Acknowledgement and acceptance of these negative thoughts is the way forward!

Once the negative thought is accepted force yourself to challenge it.

There are many exercises you can use, based on cognitive behavioural therapy or CBT. Google or access ‘get self help’.

If your negative thoughts are making you feel overwhelmed – practice taking some deep breaths. Controlled breathing can help reduce the stress reponse and calm anxious thoughts.

Practicing meditation or self hypnosis can boost your positive feelings.

The more you practice acknowledging, accepting and challenging negative thoughts the sooner this can become the

However if your thoughts are making you feel distressed  or are interfering with your work or social habits, seek help from a mental health professional.

Baby days

imageThose early days with a new baby are bliss and torture rolled into one.

You are ecstatic that baby has arrived, hopefully without too much drama and snuggling with baby is soothing and comforting.

However…it is demanding and takes some adjustment!

There are small steps that you can take each day, to keep you focused on this unique stage of life and encourage you to engage with the wonder, as well as knowing there is a bigger picture.

Sleep. The physical demands on your body include recovering from pregancy and the birth. This requires rest and good quality sleep. A change in sleep pattern usually occurs in these early weeks, just when you need it most! Sleeping when you can is a necessity. Sleep in, ideally your partner may bring you an early morning drink or the baby if they need feeding and you can snuggle. Rest and snooze when you can.

Help.Take up all offers of help, not just to hold the baby but any everyday tasks. Offers of  drinks, cooked meals or to hang up your ongoing supply of washing are all good. Don’t let guests sit and you run around offering drinks, let them do anything they can offer, while you conserve energy. You’ll need it later on.

Baby and you. Time for you and baby to get to know each other, with partner when available, takes time and focus. Observe their behaviours and learn what it means. The more you understand about how your baby communicates the more amazed and attached you will feel, so try http//getting to know your baby.  This knowledge builds your relationship with baby and can only be a bonus.

Support. You may have lots of visitors but don’t let them overwhelm you. A couple of close family members to support you as a new family can be very beneficial in the early weeks. Your partner can help manage and encourage people to give you space, as needed, to adapt to this new lifestyle and rest. Often after this initial period mum and baby are alone for long periods so other family members and friendships become more important and can help support weekly activities.

Habits.Finding some kind of pattern to your new days and nights can be a challenge due to an overall lack of quality sleep and the intensity of a small persons demands.Getting out and about each day can give a focus to each day and improve your mood and sense of well-being.

Anxiety and depression can become an issue in the early weeks, months and even at some point in the first year. This is a normal reaction as you adapt to this new lifestyle. Try not to ignore it as the sooner you seek help the sooner feelings can start to be addressed and improve. Share these feeling with friends, family and if not improving seek support from your Health visitor or Gp.

Some people struggle more with this adaption, partly due to the current situation they are in, isolation, previous concerns,  or relationship challenges. With time to over think and ruminate, despite the physical challenges of caring for a baby, the feelings can become overwhelming. Initially cut yourself some slack whilst you get used to this new way of life. If time is going on and you are struggling with your thoughts and feelings, then seek help.

Hypnotherapy can give you skills to manage these feelings whilst you adapt to parenthood.

Sessions which help a more positive focus inwards, give some much needed “me” time,  and a space to be able to acknowledge feelings which are normal.  An exploration of where you are and what needs to change can be a huge boost. Hypnotherapy enables you to access resources via your subconscious mind,  which gives you tools you can use in everyday life.  This gives a sense of control over negative feelings and improves mood. Many clients benefit from a sense of relaxation during sessions and this also boosts well-being.

Keeping positive

Working for yourself, especially alone, has many challenges as well as freedoms. Keeping positive and a “can do” attitude is tough at times.

In the field of Hypnotherapy, coaching and NLP –

you are selling your abilities to enable others to make change!

This takes a lot of energy.

As someone going through great change myself I could do with my own Hypnotherapist and coach on a daily basis!!

A big part of my learning this week has been understanding why you are finding the marketing so time consuming and at times difficult to do. You are selling yourself!!


so here I am…

I know I have many skills but it is recognising these, engaging my enthusiasm and marketing them. This is an ongoing and potentially demanding process. You have to examine your qualities, have faith in your abilities and convert these into useful tools for you, the client, to put to good use.

The therapist is the driving force and the asset!

Happy weekend! Monday is another week!!