
Help to be the best you!

Welcome to Resolve4you!

Hi my name is Jo Copland-Dando, an Integrated Hypnotherapist using NLP, CBT, psycho therapeutic and coaching skills to explore your concerns and empower you to make changes to improve your well being.

With a background in Nursing, Midwifery and Health visiting, teaching and facilitating groups, I have a wealth of experience in working with clients and helping them to address the health and well-being issues which are causing them challenge.

Are you wanting to change an unwanted habit eg. overthinking or your eating pattern?

Do you have pain or a phobia which is restricting what you can do and what you can access each week?

Or do you find it difficult to manage negative thoughts about something, or feel anxious about a situation, which is limiting what you want to achieve in life?

In a safe and confidential environment we can explore how to help you generally feel more positive, skilled and build resources to perform better in a particular situation.

Struggling with a life transition? New parenthood, children settling at school, teenagers, relationship breakdown, empty nest, ill health or wishing to find a new directions? Lots of challenges throughout life when support to adapt to new circumstances is welcome.

Please look at my profile on the Hypnotherapy Directory and contact me, to set you on a new journey!

Before we meet we can speak on the phone or by email to discuss any concerns or queries you may have about hypnotherapy and how our sessions can support you. This conversation introduces you to how I work and explores what you want to achieve from our sessions. This is a free initial consultation, so use it to ask what you need.

On meeting we explore the challenging aspect you wish to change, visualise what you are moving towards, then identify and build the resources which will enable this to happen. I use a variety of NLP techniques to establish a path towards the desired outcome.

This involves your commitment. Empowers you to take steps, to climb that mountain, and be the best you can be!

Using hypnosis, is a fantastic way of enabling this change to happen quickly but this may be something you need to work towards, so we can make changes at a pace suitable for you.

Hypnosis is a trance like state we enter into several times each day. In accessing this state we can work more effectively on an aspect of health. Being more receptive, in a relaxed state,  helps you to access your subconscious mind and recognise thoughts and feelings around an issue. This insight encourages exploration and enhances your resourcefulness, giving you the skills to make changes.

Hypnotherapy and NLP are tools to manage your mind and free your future.

Vaccines – a ray of hope?

Have you been offered the vaccine yet?

This looks like the main opportunity into a new way of living. Seems unlikely things will return to normal anytime soon, but there is now a ray of hope, we may…

The impact of this pandemic for all, from the very young to the very old and everyone in between could never have been anticipated a year ago.

Working in mental health the impact of this year is yet to be seen. Some children have enjoyed the time away from the pressure of the classroom but many who are isolated, hungry and out of view are yet to be reconnected with. These youngsters, along with the new parents and their babies, the older population who have had a terribly difficult year, along with the homeschooling parents, shielders, frontline staff and key workers. So many affected, before even considering the risk of being infected, loss of income and the slow recovery from illness and of course bereavement. We will never be the same. It’s going to be a tsunami of mental challenges.

We will need our strength to build and recover. But there is now hope and a way forward.

Seize the opportunity if it is offered to you!


Enjoying the stream
Wild primroses

My local woodland is looking beautiful!

I have never enjoyed the way it changes so subtly before. Always hurrying by…

with lockdown and restricted time outdoors there are only a couple of options to get out and about, within walking distance. I feel very lucky!!

The woodland changes by the day and things I have missed previously are clearly visible.

The benefits of taking life more slowly and appreciating what is right under your nose.

Happy exploring on your doorstep!!

Spring beauty amongst COVID-19

Meadow cowslips
Walking the dog

Never has been getting out and about and really noticing nature, been so important for our mental health.

Enjoy taking time to look around you when you are immersed in nature.

Breathe in the clearer air with less traffic around. Notice the colours in the variable spring weather – different in bright sunshine to mellow damp days. Listen to the increasingly noticeable birdsong. So beautiful.

Enjoy your time out in the green of grass, observing the new growth of spring.


imageTime away from it all?


Peace and quiet and a feeling of connection with nature.


Choose what you enjoy:-

  • the beach
  • the seaside, or coast
  • the mountains
  • by a river or canal
  • in a park
  • observing animals in nature eg birds or mammals
  • a country home and gardens
  • beside a lake
  • in a forest or woodland
  • or wetlands.

Anywhere you can observe the sights, smells, noises, sensations and feelings of being in the fresh air.

Know you are alive by connecting with the Earth and our wonderful natural world.


For me there are several habitats I love, but the beach or seaside is a favourite.

The feeling of the soft fine sand between my toes, the sound of the crashing waves, the salty smell and breeze in my hair is enhanced when it is sunny and warm. It enables a relaxation to seep through my body.

Sitting or lying in this outdoor space with my senses alive I can reflect on issues of the day or more likely chill out………bliss!

When the weather is cooler testing muscles not used so regularly in a working environment to walk, clamber and explore brings a childish thrill.

This is the life 😃

Jo Copland-Dando is an Integrated Hypnotherapist and Coach with a background in Health. She works on many issues affecting well being. As a specialist in Anxiety,  she works with AnxietyUk to support clients. In a quiet space she supports clients from a purpose built, safe and confidential garden room, situated between Bath and Bristol.




affection appreciation decoration design
Photo by Carl Attard on Pexels.com

During the month of May I was part of a gratitude group where each member posted 5 things each day what they were grateful for.

For me this was usually in the evening time as I settled down for sleep!

Gratitude and the practice of being grateful either through writing in a diary, making a list or sharing with others has become popular in recent years. These varied activities  help to produce feelings of gratitude which can guide people towards meaning and better health.

Noticing and expressing gratitude helps to focus your attention on the positive things in your life.

Life has many ups and downs, twists and turns, creating conflict and at times we may feel overwhelmed by the challenges.

Trying to pick out the good points of the day was interesting and sometimes quite specific. However often it was a general feeling of gratefulness for the fullness of life and a connection to a meaning for what was occurring.


“Cultivate the habit of being grateful for every good thing that comes

to you, and to give thanks continuously. And because all things have

contributed to your advancement, you should include all things in

your gratitude.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson


It is a feeling similar to appreciation and positive psychology research has found neurological reasons why people benefit from the practice of expressing thanks for our lives, even in times of challenge and change.

I noticed that over time it really focused my mind and my thoughts onto what was good or great in my life.

It kept the focus positive!


Hearing from people around the world, my friend has international contacts, who felt thankful for small pleasures, was truly heartwarming. Often they had definite health challenges, financial or relationship concerns but even in the darkest moments small gestures could identified. Their appreciation and hope was uplifting.

This month I have not been doing the gratefulness diary and my mood has dipped into more negativity than is useful. Is this a coincidence?

At the time I felt little benefit but in hindsight, oh the beauty of hindsight, a boost to positivity and feeling of well being was definitely felt.

I will be practising my gratitude again from tonight!

What about you?


Jo Copland-Dando is an Integrated Hypnotherapist and Coach with a background in Health. She works on many issues affecting well being. As a specialist in Anxiety,  she works with AnxietyUk to support clients. In a quiet space she supports clients from a purpose built, safe and confidential garden room, situated between Bath and Bristol.

Glimmers of spring

Hoping for some more days like this!

We’ve had a few sunny days, but then it goes cloudy with a chilly wind again. Its tempting not to venture far from your warm and hopefully cosy home.

To boost well being its always good to get outside.

Some reasons to get out and about:-

As a dog owner/befriender you can wrap up warmly and get out there, as they insist on this several times a day!!

Explore with children the parks, woodlands or public footpaths and observe the bursting buds of bushes, trees and plants or of new animal life. Help them to learn about the wonders of our nature and countryside.

The garden is always beckoning at this time of year so small jobs to clear, tidy and prepare for the bursting forth of plants and vegetables, during any clear spells, helps to boost positive feelings. Plan the garden of the summer!

With an improving picture, planning to meet friends and family for gatherings out and about in new places or old haunts. Helps with reconnecting after the winter hibernation.

Lighter nights,with the clocks going forward this weekend, ensures more daylight and opportunities to attend all kinds of social events. Consider taking up an activity in the evening of these lighter nights. Get out on your bike, join a club or like me find a running buddy? Keeping active to improve your health.

Community events are planned in parks, villages, halls and the countryside which engage people with all kinds of skills and entertainment.This brings a sense of hope and interest as opportunities to connect in many different ways, socialise and have fun are apparent.

Volunteering time and skills to benefit your local community gives the individual a sense of  well being too. Volunteers may work in buildings to offer services for individuals or organisations, but it can be outdoors too. A sense of contribution and involvement are the powerful positive feelings this type of commitment brings.

So it all looks good!

Certainly it is an improving picture.

All activity and connecting with nature is good for our body and minds, so it is great to be able to plan more of both of these into the coming weeks.

So get planning and hope you enjoy the sunny, warmer moments this weekend.


Jo Copland-Dando is an Integrated Hypnotherapist and Coach with a background in Health. She works on many issues affecting well being. As a specialist in Anxiety,  she works with AnxietyUk to support clients. In a quiet space she supports clients from a purpose built, safe and confidential garden room, situated between Bath and Bristol.

Sunshine following illness…

Jo April 17 1503Been a bit of a low energy time these past weeks. A virus that hung around and affected all the household, laid us low for at least a month. A bit grim and influenced certainly my energy levels and gave a tendency to low mood.

In the winter months a sense of isolation can quickly be upon you when you’re unable to get out and about and the weather is less than inspiring.

Time to sit and watch the tv programmes you never get round to, listen to soothing or boosting music and complete some gentle tasks – hemming new curtains in my case! – are the opportunities to go with, as you need, so you can rest and recover.

It took time… but

So glad to be feeling brighter and more positive!!

This period made me aware of how important connection with family and friends is at these times. A listening ear, a few kind words when life feels tough go a long way to boost well being.

Try to connect with loved ones where you can!

It is invaluable to well being.

Just sharing the new optimism of spring makes you feel good. The sign of new growth, new life and brighter weather.

Now when the sun is out I listen to the birds singing as they build their nests. Feeding  them regularly so they thrive in the cooler months and look forward to planning outdoor activities for the sunny days.

Helps you feel gratitude.

After we hibernate for the winter it is good to reconnect with neighbours and friends when it hasn’t been so easy to connect. Plans for spring gatherings, plans for the garden and plans to just be outdoors,

Try to incorporate this into your days moving forward.

Look or get outside when you can, on the sunnier days and focus on the nature all around you, to feel good!

A work in progress…


Jo Copland-Dando is an Integrated Hypnotherapist and Coach with a background in Health. She works on many issues affecting well being. As a specialist in Anxiety,  she works with AnxietyUk to support clients. In a quiet space she supports clients from a purpose built, safe and confidential garden room, situated between Bath and Bristol.


Sunshine following illness…

Jo April 17 1503Been a bit of a low energy time these past weeks. A virus that hung around and affected all the household, laid us low for at least a month. A bit grim and influenced certainly my energy levels and gave a tendency to low mood.

In the winter months a sense of isolation can quickly be upon you when you’re unable to get out and about and the weather is less than inspiring.

Time to sit and watch the tv programmes you never get round to, listen to soothing or boosting music and complete some gentle tasks – hemming new curtains in my case! – are the opportunities to go with, as you need, so you can rest and recover.

It took time… but

So glad to be feeling brighter and more positive!!

This period made me aware of how important connection with family and friends is at these times. A listening ear, a few kind words when life feels tough go a long way to boost well being.

Try to connect with loved ones where you can!

It is invaluable to well being.

Just sharing the new optimism of spring makes you feel good. The sign of new growth, new life and brighter weather.

Now when the sun is out I listen to the birds singing as they build their nests. Feeding  them regularly so they thrive in the cooler months and look forward to planning outdoor activities for the sunny days.

Helps you feel gratitude.

After we hibernate for the winter it is good to reconnect with neighbours and friends when it hasn’t been so easy to connect. Plans for spring gatherings, plans for the garden and plans to just be outdoors,

Try to incorporate this into your days moving forward.

Look or get outside when you can, on the sunnier days and focus on the nature all around you, to feel good!

A work in progress…


Jo Copland-Dando is an Integrated Hypnotherapist and Coach with a background in Health. She works on many issues affecting well being. As a specialist in Anxiety,  she works with AnxietyUk to support clients. In a quiet space she supports clients from a purpose built, safe and confidential garden room, situated between Bath and Bristol.


Managing negative thoughts?

At times managing negative thoughts can be difficult to do.


Found yourself doing any of the above?

Any holiday period…with a change in routines, interacting closely with family members, maybe not as you would like and more time on your hands, to think, can amplify the thoughts running through your mind.

The dull and cold months of winter can be particularly challenging when the debts need to be paid and the hangover of social events may be on your mind.

Constant negativity can interfere with happiness, add to our stress levels and eventually damage our health!

So in reality how can I change this?

Acknowledgement and acceptance of negative thoughts is the way forward!

Once the negative thought is acknowledged, or even noted, it can be challenged.

There are many exercises that can be used, based on cognitive behavioural therapy or CBT.

Google to access resources – ‘get self help’.

AnxietyUk have many resources on their website – there is a fee to join -but with varied types of support available several may benefit you.

There are lots of quotes and suggestions on how to banish negative thoughts and focus on positive thoughts on social media. Use one that resonates and inspires.

By not trying to stop these negative thoughts, worry and obsession can be reduced. Letting thoughts come and go, as they do…

It is all a bit of a circle so the more we can accept thoughts and move towards more positive affirmations the sooner our beliefs, feelings and actions become more positive in outlook too!


The more you practice acknowledging, accepting and challenging negative thoughts the sooner this can become your new way of being.

If your negative thoughts are making you feel overwhelmed – practice taking some deep breaths.

Controlled breathing can help reduce the stress response and calm anxious thoughts.

Practicing meditation or self hypnosis can boost your positive feelings or shift a state to a more positive one.

However if your thoughts are making you feel distressed  or are interfering with your work or social habits, seek help from a mental health professional.

Jo Copland-Dando is an Integrated Hypnotherapist and Coach with a background in Health. She works on many issues of well being from a purpose built, safe and confidential space. As a specialist is Anxiety,  she works with AnxietyUk to support clients.

Challenges of life

Into the swing of 2019 🙂

Started the year with some goals to aim for, with a plan to stay calm so

you could work steadily towards what you wished to achieve…?



Past week 3

and already having feelings which overwhelm??


Those challenges you could forget for some time, with festive food and cheer to distract you, are now a firm reality. The carefree December days of frivolity have dropped into the cold, short, debt ridden days of January and seem to stretch far into the coming months.

Hence talk today of #BlueMonday – I wont spell it out as some may feel it’s too negative to focus on!

Don’t despair… It’s difficult to find the enthusiasm and motivation when life is feeling like this but it will get brighter. 


Focus instead on small steps to feel more positive:-

– Eat nutritious meals when you can to boost your energy levels.

– Make time to get outside and connect with nature, to boost mood.

 – Plan social meet ups for a cuppa at home and a chat, if money is tight,   or incorporate a catch up with a dog walk or getting out in the           countryside.

– Wrap up warm and nurture yourself – consider the art of hygge for  the winter months.

– Practice gratitude and start writing a journal as you go to bed, to build your skills.

– Talk to yourself kindly and focus on some positive affirmations.


Don’t try to achieve too much it is the winter after all and many creatures hunker down in the colder months and save their energy until the spring. Do what you have to but take it steady.

Don’t be too hard on yourself!


It’s more challenging to keep focused and upbeat when the reality of daily life seems relentless, but find the moments of peace…

In time consider possible plans for the summer so you have events or holiday time to look forward to…

Jo Copland-Dando is an Integrated Hypnotherapist and Coach with a background in Health. She works on many issues of well being from a purpose built, safe and confidential space. As a specialist is Anxiety,  she works with AnxietyUk to support clients.